Post by G YoungWith regards to testing numpy, both Conda and Pip + Virtualenv work
quite well. I have used both to install master and run unit tests, and
both pass with flying colors. This chart here illustrates my point nicely
as well.
Post by G YoungHowever, I can't seem to find / access Conda installations for
slightly older versions of Python (e.g. Python 3.4). Perhaps this is not
much of an issue now with the next release (1.12) being written only for
Python 2.7 and Python 3.4 - 5. However, if we were to wind the clock
slightly back to when we were testing 2.6 - 7, 3.2 - 5, I feel Conda falls
short in being able to test on a variety of Python distributions given the
nature of Conda releases. Maybe that situation is no longer the case now,
but in the long term, it could easily happen again.
Why do you need the installers? The whole point of conda is to be able
to create environments with whatever configuration you need. Just pick the
Fetching package metadata: ..............
Solving package specifications: ..........
Package plan for installation in environment
package | build
setuptools-18.0.1 | py26_0 343 KB
pip-7.1.0 | py26_0 1.4 MB
Total: 1.7 MB
openssl: 1.0.1k-1
pip: 7.1.0-py26_0
python: 2.6.9-1
readline: 6.2-2
setuptools: 18.0.1-py26_0
sqlite: 3.9.2-0
tk: 8.5.18-0
zlib: 1.2.8-0
Proceed ([y]/n)?
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