Post by Florian LindnerHello,
thanks for your reply which was really helpful!
My problem is that I discovered that the data I got is rather unordered.
The documentation for reshape says: Read the elements of a using this
index order, and place the elements into the
Post by Florian Lindnerreshaped array using this index order. âCâ means to read / write the
elements using C-like index order, with the last
Post by Florian Lindneraxis index changing fastest, back to the first axis index changing
slowest. âFâ means to read / write the elements using
Post by Florian LindnerFortran-like index order, with the first index changing fastest, and the
last index changing slowest.
Post by Florian LindnerWith my data both dimensions change, so there is no specific ordering of
the points, just a bunch of arbitrarily mixed
Post by Florian Lindner"x y z value" data.
out = np.loadtxt(...)
x = np.unique(out[:,0])
y = np.unique[out]:,1])
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
values = lookup(xx, yy, out)
lookup is ufunc (I hope that term is correct here) that looks up the
value of every x and y in out, like
Post by Florian Lindnerx_filtered = out[ out[:,0] == x, :]
y_filtered = out[ out[:,1] == y, :]
return y_filtered[2]
(untested, just a sketch)
Would this work? Any better way?
If the (x, y) values are actually drawn from a rectilinear grid, then you
can use np.lexsort() to sort the rows before reshaping.
|4> !cat random-mesh.txt
0.3 0.3 21
0 0 10
0 0.3 11
0.3 0.6 22
0 0.6 12
0.6 0.3 31
0.3 0 20
0.6 0.6 32
0.6 0 30
|5> scrambled_nodes = np.loadtxt('random-mesh.txt')
# Note! Put the "faster" column before the "slower" column!
|6> i = np.lexsort([scrambled_nodes[:, 1], scrambled_nodes[:, 0]])
|7> sorted_nodes = scrambled_nodes[i]
|8> sorted_nodes
array([[ 0. , 0. , 10. ],
[ 0. , 0.3, 11. ],
[ 0. , 0.6, 12. ],
[ 0.3, 0. , 20. ],
[ 0.3, 0.3, 21. ],
[ 0.3, 0.6, 22. ],
[ 0.6, 0. , 30. ],
[ 0.6, 0.3, 31. ],
[ 0.6, 0.6, 32. ]])
Then carry on with the reshape()ing as before. If the grid points that
"ought to be the same" are not actually identical, then you may end up with
some problems, e.g. if you had "0.300000000001 0.0 20.0" as a row, but all
of the other "x=0.3" rows had "0.3", then that row would get sorted out of
order. You would have to clean up the grid coordinates a bit first.
Robert Kern