Backing Olof
2015-02-03 17:51:37 UTC
I am helping out with a Python and Fortran project. Let me give you some background:
* Fortran source:
C Bergstrom FCC
C User subroutine VUMAT
subroutine VUMAT(
C Read only -
* nblock, ndir, nshr, nstatev, nprops,
* stepTime, dt,
* props,
* density, strainInc,
* tempOld,
* stressOld, stateOld, enerInternOld, enerInelasOld,
C Write only -
* stressNew, stateNew, enerInternNew, enerInelasNew )
include ''
dimension props(nprops),
1 density(nblock), strainInc(nblock,ndir+nshr),
2 tempOld(nblock),
5 stressOld(nblock,ndir+nshr), stateOld(nblock,nstatev),
6 enerInternOld(nblock), enerInelasOld(nblock),
2 stressNew(nblock,ndir+nshr), stateNew(nblock,nstatev),
3 enerInternNew(nblock), enerInelasNew(nblock)
* Corresponding .pyf
integer :: nblock
integer :: ndir
integer :: nshr
integer :: nstatev
integer :: nprops
real :: steptime
real :: dt
real dimension(nprops) :: props
real dimension(nblock) :: density
real dimension(nblock,ndir+nshr) :: straininc
real dimension(nblock) :: tempold
real dimension(nblock,ndir+nshr) :: stressold
real dimension(nblock,nstatev) :: stateold
real dimension(nblock) :: enerinternold
real dimension(nblock) :: enerinelasold
real dimension(nblock,ndir+nshr),intent(out) :: stressnew
real dimension(nblock,nstatev),intent(out) :: statenew
real dimension(nblock),intent(out) :: enerinternnew
real dimension(nblock),intent(out) :: enerinelasnew
* Python source with call of Fortran routine:
nblock = 1
ndir = 3
nshr = 3
nstatev = 3
nprops = 11
stepTime = 1
dt = 1
props = np.array([10, 0.5, 1e10, 5, 1e12, 3e-6, 8e-6, 27, 2], float)
density = np.array([[7.8e3]], float)
strainInc = np.array([[1,-0.5,-0.5,0,0,0]], float)
tempOld = np.array([[1]], float)
stressOld = np.array([[1,1,1,1,1,1]], float)
stateOld = np.array([[1,1,1]], float)
enerInternOld = np.array([1], float)
enerInelasOld = np.array([1], float)
stressNew = np.array([[]], float)
stateNew = np.array([[]], float)
enerInternNew = np.array([[]], float)
enerInelasNew = np.array([[]], float)
stressNew, stateNew, enerInternNew, enerInelasNew = vumat(nblock, ndir, nshr, nstatev, nprops, stepTime, dt, props, density, strainInc, tempOld, stressOld, stateOld, enerInternOld, enerInelasOld)
When trying to run with Python 2.7 I get:
***@ubuntu:~$ ./
unexpected array size: new_size=4, got array with arr_size=1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 33, in <module>
File "./", line 30, in main
stressNew, stateNew, enerInternNew, enerInelasNew = vumat(nblock, ndir, nshr, nstatev, nprops, stepTime, dt, props, density, strainInc, tempOld, stressOld, stateOld, enerInternOld, enerInelasOld)
VUMAT_Bergstrom_FCC.error: failed in converting 9th argument `stressold' of VUMAT_Bergstrom_FCC.vumat to C/Fortran array
Other stuff:
* python 2.7.6
* numpy/f2py 1.8.2
* gcc/gfortran 4.8.2
* ubuntu 14.04 LTS 32-bit
I have tried to google, read the f2py manual, fortran tutorials etc, but to no avail. I must also admit that my knowledge in python is so-so and fortran even less(!). What is the missing statement/syntax that I can’t get correct?
Your humble programmer, Olof
I am helping out with a Python and Fortran project. Let me give you some background:
* Fortran source:
C Bergstrom FCC
C User subroutine VUMAT
subroutine VUMAT(
C Read only -
* nblock, ndir, nshr, nstatev, nprops,
* stepTime, dt,
* props,
* density, strainInc,
* tempOld,
* stressOld, stateOld, enerInternOld, enerInelasOld,
C Write only -
* stressNew, stateNew, enerInternNew, enerInelasNew )
include ''
dimension props(nprops),
1 density(nblock), strainInc(nblock,ndir+nshr),
2 tempOld(nblock),
5 stressOld(nblock,ndir+nshr), stateOld(nblock,nstatev),
6 enerInternOld(nblock), enerInelasOld(nblock),
2 stressNew(nblock,ndir+nshr), stateNew(nblock,nstatev),
3 enerInternNew(nblock), enerInelasNew(nblock)
* Corresponding .pyf
integer :: nblock
integer :: ndir
integer :: nshr
integer :: nstatev
integer :: nprops
real :: steptime
real :: dt
real dimension(nprops) :: props
real dimension(nblock) :: density
real dimension(nblock,ndir+nshr) :: straininc
real dimension(nblock) :: tempold
real dimension(nblock,ndir+nshr) :: stressold
real dimension(nblock,nstatev) :: stateold
real dimension(nblock) :: enerinternold
real dimension(nblock) :: enerinelasold
real dimension(nblock,ndir+nshr),intent(out) :: stressnew
real dimension(nblock,nstatev),intent(out) :: statenew
real dimension(nblock),intent(out) :: enerinternnew
real dimension(nblock),intent(out) :: enerinelasnew
* Python source with call of Fortran routine:
nblock = 1
ndir = 3
nshr = 3
nstatev = 3
nprops = 11
stepTime = 1
dt = 1
props = np.array([10, 0.5, 1e10, 5, 1e12, 3e-6, 8e-6, 27, 2], float)
density = np.array([[7.8e3]], float)
strainInc = np.array([[1,-0.5,-0.5,0,0,0]], float)
tempOld = np.array([[1]], float)
stressOld = np.array([[1,1,1,1,1,1]], float)
stateOld = np.array([[1,1,1]], float)
enerInternOld = np.array([1], float)
enerInelasOld = np.array([1], float)
stressNew = np.array([[]], float)
stateNew = np.array([[]], float)
enerInternNew = np.array([[]], float)
enerInelasNew = np.array([[]], float)
stressNew, stateNew, enerInternNew, enerInelasNew = vumat(nblock, ndir, nshr, nstatev, nprops, stepTime, dt, props, density, strainInc, tempOld, stressOld, stateOld, enerInternOld, enerInelasOld)
When trying to run with Python 2.7 I get:
***@ubuntu:~$ ./
unexpected array size: new_size=4, got array with arr_size=1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 33, in <module>
File "./", line 30, in main
stressNew, stateNew, enerInternNew, enerInelasNew = vumat(nblock, ndir, nshr, nstatev, nprops, stepTime, dt, props, density, strainInc, tempOld, stressOld, stateOld, enerInternOld, enerInelasOld)
VUMAT_Bergstrom_FCC.error: failed in converting 9th argument `stressold' of VUMAT_Bergstrom_FCC.vumat to C/Fortran array
Other stuff:
* python 2.7.6
* numpy/f2py 1.8.2
* gcc/gfortran 4.8.2
* ubuntu 14.04 LTS 32-bit
I have tried to google, read the f2py manual, fortran tutorials etc, but to no avail. I must also admit that my knowledge in python is so-so and fortran even less(!). What is the missing statement/syntax that I can’t get correct?
Your humble programmer, Olof