Nathaniel Smith
2015-09-23 19:40:29 UTC
[splitting this out from the thread-o-doom]
On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 8:47 AM, Chris Barker - NOAA Federal
<***> wrote:
but they exist :-). To make sure everyone's on the same page, here's a
condensed summary of what the draft currently says:
Joining the council: contributor must have produced "substantial" and
"sustained" contributions over at least one year + be voted on by the
current council + be interested and willing to serve. (Then there's
some language emphasising that "contributions" should *not* be read
narrowly as a euphemism for "lines of code".)
Leaving the council: Happens by choice of member, or if inactive for
one year and can't be contacted, or if inactive for two years. Former
members are listed as "emeritus" to recognize their past service.
Rejoining the council: aside from their entry on the list of emeritus
members, a former-member and a never-member are treated identically in
general, and the rules for re-joining are the same as the rules for
Proposal for seed council: "everyone who's merged a pull request since
Jan 1, 2014".
(Actual text is here: , see
section "Council membership".)
We didn't talk much about these -- I think mostly on the theory that
the exact details really aren't going to matter much in the end. These
specific rules are exactly the rules that Jupyter/IPython use, stolen
without changes.
My interpretation is that these rules were designed to produce a
council consisting of a broad spectrum of contributors who are
actively engaged, in tune and up-to-date with the issues currently
facing the project, and broadly respected by the broader community.
The rationale for doing things this way (if we keep it) would be that
the steering council's "primary responsibility is to facilitate the
ordinary community-based decision making procedure", so you need
people who are actively engaged in community discussions; and, if
things break down then the people best positioned to resolve it are
the ones who have the best view of what went wrong, understand the
personalities involved, and so forth.
In practice, I'm sure any council interventions would involve most
members deferring to whoever they judge has the most expertise,
whether or not that person is on the council -- it's not like they'll
ever be making a decision in a vacuum.
Regarding the seed council, I just tried to pick an objective
criterion and an arbitrary date that seemed generally in keeping with
idea of "should be active in the last 1-to-2-years-ish". Fiddling with
the exact date in particular makes very little difference -- between
pushing it back to 2 years ago today or forward to 1 year ago today,
the only thing that changes is whether Pauli makes the list or not.
(And Pauli is obviously a great council candidate, though I don't know
whether he even wants to be on it.)
you're pre-filtering for basic competence and good faith (as we are),
then the only way making the council smaller helps with decision
making is that it arbitrarily throws away the opinion of some
dedicated and valuable contributors. Plus then we have to start making
judgements like "well, person A has been around for a while but pretty
inactive recently, and person B is doing awesome stuff, should we kick
person A off the council to let person B on or...?" Judging whether
someone is or isn't a "substantial contributor" is fine, we can do
that. Having to make a relative judgement of which of two people is
the *more* "substantial contributor", though -- that sounds awful.
And given how conflict-adverse groups can be, I suspect that capping
the council size would in practice just have the effect that it never
takes in new blood. (The old effect where "science advances one
retirement at a time".)
I'd be interested to hear what Jupyter/IPython's experience with this
is, though: they currently have a 10 (!) person steering council, I
assume they'd love to have more. Having lots of contributors who are
active and engaged enough to meet the steering council qualifications
is a good problem to have :-). Technically their situation is slightly
different because their council runs on regular voting rather than
Apache-style consensus voting (a luxury they can afford because they
have a BDFL to step in if regular voting ends up disenfranchising the
minority), but I sort of get the impression that in practice they just
don't vote unless they know it will be unanimous, and it's worked out
for them so far. (To understate the case.)
this that *wouldn't* be satisfied by Chuck + Ralf + Pauli, so my guess
is that such a rule would not actually have any effect on the council
membership in practice.
current text, the "NumFOCUS subcommittee" does have an external member
to provide some oversight. (So mathematically speaking, this means
that the subcommittee is not a subset -- go figure. I blame IPython.)
But, this oversight is specifically for financial matters only, not
technical ones: "This Subcommittee shall NOT make decisions about the
direction, scope or technical direction of the Project."
Thomas Caswell (one of the leaders of matplotlib) volunteered to be
our external member to start. We certainly could ask him to sit on the
steering council as well, but honestly my guess is that this would
have no effect, either positive or negative. (I know if someone asked
me to serve on a hypothetical matplotlib steering council, then I
would just... never do anything, because who am I to second-guess
matplotlib's actual developers.)
It's not like we don't already hear from downstream projects on a
regular basis. And if things have gone *so* pear-shaped that we have a
situation where the steering council feels they need to issue a
ruling, *and simultaneously* the members of the council are so
out-of-touch that they don't know or care about the needs of
downstream projects, then the situation is unsalvageable and we should
fork and start over.
But I mean, it probably wouldn't hurt either. I'm not super-wedded to
the current text. I just think we should limit how much effort we
spend trying to cover every possible situation ahead of time. If we're
clever enough to solve a problem now hypothetically, then we're
probably also clever enough to solve it later when it becomes
On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 8:47 AM, Chris Barker - NOAA Federal
<***> wrote:
-How big should it be?
-Who will be on the original, "seed" council?
Note that as I understand the current draft of the governance doc,
once established, the council itself decides who is on the council. So
at this point we really are ONLY deciding how it's going to start. It
has to be bootstrapped somehow.
However, that had been contentious enough that it would probably be a
good idea to hash out some guidelines about the council membership.
We actually do have some of those already -- dunno if they're perfect,-Who will be on the original, "seed" council?
Note that as I understand the current draft of the governance doc,
once established, the council itself decides who is on the council. So
at this point we really are ONLY deciding how it's going to start. It
has to be bootstrapped somehow.
However, that had been contentious enough that it would probably be a
good idea to hash out some guidelines about the council membership.
but they exist :-). To make sure everyone's on the same page, here's a
condensed summary of what the draft currently says:
Joining the council: contributor must have produced "substantial" and
"sustained" contributions over at least one year + be voted on by the
current council + be interested and willing to serve. (Then there's
some language emphasising that "contributions" should *not* be read
narrowly as a euphemism for "lines of code".)
Leaving the council: Happens by choice of member, or if inactive for
one year and can't be contacted, or if inactive for two years. Former
members are listed as "emeritus" to recognize their past service.
Rejoining the council: aside from their entry on the list of emeritus
members, a former-member and a never-member are treated identically in
general, and the rules for re-joining are the same as the rules for
Proposal for seed council: "everyone who's merged a pull request since
Jan 1, 2014".
(Actual text is here: , see
section "Council membership".)
We didn't talk much about these -- I think mostly on the theory that
the exact details really aren't going to matter much in the end. These
specific rules are exactly the rules that Jupyter/IPython use, stolen
without changes.
My interpretation is that these rules were designed to produce a
council consisting of a broad spectrum of contributors who are
actively engaged, in tune and up-to-date with the issues currently
facing the project, and broadly respected by the broader community.
The rationale for doing things this way (if we keep it) would be that
the steering council's "primary responsibility is to facilitate the
ordinary community-based decision making procedure", so you need
people who are actively engaged in community discussions; and, if
things break down then the people best positioned to resolve it are
the ones who have the best view of what went wrong, understand the
personalities involved, and so forth.
In practice, I'm sure any council interventions would involve most
members deferring to whoever they judge has the most expertise,
whether or not that person is on the council -- it's not like they'll
ever be making a decision in a vacuum.
Regarding the seed council, I just tried to pick an objective
criterion and an arbitrary date that seemed generally in keeping with
idea of "should be active in the last 1-to-2-years-ish". Fiddling with
the exact date in particular makes very little difference -- between
pushing it back to 2 years ago today or forward to 1 year ago today,
the only thing that changes is whether Pauli makes the list or not.
(And Pauli is obviously a great council candidate, though I don't know
whether he even wants to be on it.)
Personally, I have no idea how big the council should be. Too big, and
there is no point, consensus is harder to reach the larger the group,
and the main (only?) role of the council is to resolve issues where
consensus has not been reached in the larger community. But what is
too big?
I'm a little wary of the idea of capping the council size. Assumingthere is no point, consensus is harder to reach the larger the group,
and the main (only?) role of the council is to resolve issues where
consensus has not been reached in the larger community. But what is
too big?
you're pre-filtering for basic competence and good faith (as we are),
then the only way making the council smaller helps with decision
making is that it arbitrarily throws away the opinion of some
dedicated and valuable contributors. Plus then we have to start making
judgements like "well, person A has been around for a while but pretty
inactive recently, and person B is doing awesome stuff, should we kick
person A off the council to let person B on or...?" Judging whether
someone is or isn't a "substantial contributor" is fine, we can do
that. Having to make a relative judgement of which of two people is
the *more* "substantial contributor", though -- that sounds awful.
And given how conflict-adverse groups can be, I suspect that capping
the council size would in practice just have the effect that it never
takes in new blood. (The old effect where "science advances one
retirement at a time".)
I'd be interested to hear what Jupyter/IPython's experience with this
is, though: they currently have a 10 (!) person steering council, I
assume they'd love to have more. Having lots of contributors who are
active and engaged enough to meet the steering council qualifications
is a good problem to have :-). Technically their situation is slightly
different because their council runs on regular voting rather than
Apache-style consensus voting (a luxury they can afford because they
have a BDFL to step in if regular voting ends up disenfranchising the
minority), but I sort of get the impression that in practice they just
don't vote unless they know it will be unanimous, and it's worked out
for them so far. (To understate the case.)
As for make-up of the council, I think we need to expand beyond people
who have recently contributed core code.
Yes, the council does need to have expertise to make technical
decisions, but if you think about the likely contentious issues like
ABI breakage, a core-code focused view is incomplete. So there should
Someone(s) with a long history of working with the code -- that
institutional memory of why decisions were made the way they were
could be key.
Sure -- though I can't really imagine any way of framing a rule likewho have recently contributed core code.
Yes, the council does need to have expertise to make technical
decisions, but if you think about the likely contentious issues like
ABI breakage, a core-code focused view is incomplete. So there should
Someone(s) with a long history of working with the code -- that
institutional memory of why decisions were made the way they were
could be key.
this that *wouldn't* be satisfied by Chuck + Ralf + Pauli, so my guess
is that such a rule would not actually have any effect on the council
membership in practice.
Someone(s) that may not have worked on the core code, but is a major
player in the community, perhaps as the leader of a Numpy-dependent
project. This would provide representation for the broad community.
Pointing out features of the current draft again for reference: In theplayer in the community, perhaps as the leader of a Numpy-dependent
project. This would provide representation for the broad community.
current text, the "NumFOCUS subcommittee" does have an external member
to provide some oversight. (So mathematically speaking, this means
that the subcommittee is not a subset -- go figure. I blame IPython.)
But, this oversight is specifically for financial matters only, not
technical ones: "This Subcommittee shall NOT make decisions about the
direction, scope or technical direction of the Project."
Thomas Caswell (one of the leaders of matplotlib) volunteered to be
our external member to start. We certainly could ask him to sit on the
steering council as well, but honestly my guess is that this would
have no effect, either positive or negative. (I know if someone asked
me to serve on a hypothetical matplotlib steering council, then I
would just... never do anything, because who am I to second-guess
matplotlib's actual developers.)
It's not like we don't already hear from downstream projects on a
regular basis. And if things have gone *so* pear-shaped that we have a
situation where the steering council feels they need to issue a
ruling, *and simultaneously* the members of the council are so
out-of-touch that they don't know or care about the needs of
downstream projects, then the situation is unsalvageable and we should
fork and start over.
But I mean, it probably wouldn't hurt either. I'm not super-wedded to
the current text. I just think we should limit how much effort we
spend trying to cover every possible situation ahead of time. If we're
clever enough to solve a problem now hypothetically, then we're
probably also clever enough to solve it later when it becomes
Nathaniel J. Smith --
Nathaniel J. Smith --