Joris Van den Bossche
2016-11-04 17:14:55 UTC
Hi all,
I'm pleased to announce the release of pandas 0.19.1.
This is a bug-fix release from 0.19.0 and includes some small regression
fixes, bug fixes and performance improvements. We recommend that all users
upgrade to this version.
See the v0.19.1 Whatsnew page
<> for an
overview of all bugs that have been fixed in 0.19.1.
Thanks to all contributors!
*How to get it:*
Source tarballs and windows/mac/linux wheels are available on PyPI (thanks
to Christoph Gohlke for the windows wheels, and to Matthew Brett for
setting up the mac/linux wheels).
Conda packages are already available via the conda-forge channel (conda
install pandas -c conda-forge). It will be available on the main channel
Please report any issues on our issue tracker:
*Thanks to all the contributors of the 0.19.1 release:*
- Adam Chainz
- Anthonios Partheniou
- Arash Rouhani
- Ben Kandel
- Brandon M. Burroughs
- Chris
- chris-b1
- Chris Warth
- David Krych
- dubourg
- gfyoung
- Iván Vallés Pérez
- Jeff Reback
- Joe Jevnik
- Jon M. Mease
- Joris Van den Bossche
- Josh Owen
- Keshav Ramaswamy
- Larry Ren
- mattrijk
- Michael Felt
- paul-mannino
- Piotr Chromiec
- Robert Bradshaw
- Sinhrks
- Thiago Serafim
- Tom Bird
I'm pleased to announce the release of pandas 0.19.1.
This is a bug-fix release from 0.19.0 and includes some small regression
fixes, bug fixes and performance improvements. We recommend that all users
upgrade to this version.
See the v0.19.1 Whatsnew page
<> for an
overview of all bugs that have been fixed in 0.19.1.
Thanks to all contributors!
*How to get it:*
Source tarballs and windows/mac/linux wheels are available on PyPI (thanks
to Christoph Gohlke for the windows wheels, and to Matthew Brett for
setting up the mac/linux wheels).
Conda packages are already available via the conda-forge channel (conda
install pandas -c conda-forge). It will be available on the main channel
Please report any issues on our issue tracker:
*Thanks to all the contributors of the 0.19.1 release:*
- Adam Chainz
- Anthonios Partheniou
- Arash Rouhani
- Ben Kandel
- Brandon M. Burroughs
- Chris
- chris-b1
- Chris Warth
- David Krych
- dubourg
- gfyoung
- Iván Vallés Pérez
- Jeff Reback
- Joe Jevnik
- Jon M. Mease
- Joris Van den Bossche
- Josh Owen
- Keshav Ramaswamy
- Larry Ren
- mattrijk
- Michael Felt
- paul-mannino
- Piotr Chromiec
- Robert Bradshaw
- Sinhrks
- Thiago Serafim
- Tom Bird